Hi! Are you a resident of Belleville, Ontario and in need of legal advice for your traffic violations? We here at Bulwark Legal Services are pleased to help you out and save you from a simple parking ticket to a minor criminal charge. We specialize in dealing with all Highway Traffic Act Matters including stoplight tickets, speeding, seat belt tickets, stunt driving, careless driving, stop sign, and driving while under suspension and all aspects of insurance related infractions over Ontario by giving you the best possible line of defence, and providing you with a clear and detailed report on how to go about your tickets with a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION.

Hassle Free
- You don't need to worry anymore since we handle the entire process after getting a ticket. It is so hassle free that we are extending our service by going to court on your behalf.
Professional Opinion
- With years of professional experience, we came up with a team of former veteran police officers and provincial prosecutors that can reassure you that you're in good hands.
Our Years of Success
- Bulwark Legal Services was established in 2013, but our experts have over 40 years of policing experience.
- And 25 years of court prosecution and defence when it comes to figuring out the best defence for ticket issues.
Here is an idea of what we can do to help you out:
Speeding Tickets
We have handled a number of cases that involves speeding tickets and we know exactly what to do. For these concerns, it's always best to consult a legal professional. There are certain laws to obey when it comes to speeding, and there are corresponding fines and penalties to pay. But not being able to fight for your own ticket actually will cost you more if you don't seek out help. Regardless if you are guilty of speeding or not, have a trained person in that field to tell you what to do.
Careless Driving Tickets
Once charged with this ticket, do not take this lightly because this is one of the most serious cases when it comes to traffic matters. A careless driving ticket can affect your right to drive by suspending your license, affect your employment opportunities, increase your insurance, and can even earn you 6 demerit points. Even the police will suggest you to fight these tickets. Don't fret! We are here to help. You can trust us to provide you with the best possible outcome with the most affordable price.
Stunt Driving Ticket
We all know how dangerous stunt driving is, for your personal safety and for the safety of all. Not to mention how illegal stunt driving is too. This is a very serious matter when charged in this case, and one must seek help for this from professionals/experts. A stunt driving ticket is given to the driver exceeding the speed limit by more than 50 km/h. This is in response to a law that was created in 2008 by the Ontario government to combat the speeding tickets at high rates of speed. Being charged with Stunt Driving is a serious situation, and you should consider getting legal advice and representation for your court appearance. Let us help you deal with this with the convenience and precision that you deserve.
Stoplight Tickets
Running a red light on purpose or not, you still have a high chance of getting caught because of all the cameras. This case happens all the time and fortunately this offence does not reflect on your record, but should not be taken lightly. Before you pay a stoplight ticket, make sure you know exactly what are the penalties against you. You can't go wrong with seeking out legal advice and help you out with this one.
Driving without Insurance
If you are not fully aware of driving your vehicle or letting someone else drive your vehicle without insurance is a heavy offence with severe consequences. The fine for driving without insurance is at least five thousand ($5000.00) dollars, plus a surcharge (tax) of approx twenty percent (20%). This offence also puts you in the "High Risk" category with your insurance company resulting in an increase in insurance premiums or even the cancellation of your policy for 3 or more years. Fighting for your ticket is a smart choice and let us be the one to guide you through this process.
Driving Under Suspension
It is always recommended to fight this charge considering this is such a serious one. The penalties in Ontario for the offence of driving while suspended under the Highway Traffic Act were increased in late November 1998. If you are convicted of driving while your licence is suspended for an HTA offence you will have to pay a fine of $1,000 to $5,000 for a first offence and $2,000 to $5,000 for a subsequent offence. It will be tough to face these charges alone and pricey to bring this case to other hands, believe us we know what to do.
Although Bulwark Legal Services is located directly across from the Provincial Offences Office, County of Hastings, 235 Pinnacle Street, 1St. Floor, Rm #104 Postal Bag 4400, Belleville, Ontario, we do handle matters all over Ontario.
Don't forget to fill out the 'Contact Form' for us to better get in touch with you and take care of all your Traffic Act issues that will lift the load off your shoulders or call us to find out exactly how we can assist with your out of town matter.
With Bulwark Legal Services, know that you are always in good hands.
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